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Offline majkiTopic starter

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MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« on: December 07, 2024, 06:09:51 pm »

I am proud to announce that the first version of MyElecParts is available to download at web page.

It is freeware, easy-to-use electronic component inventory for hobbyists and makers with two useful online search function.

You can organize your parts in freely definable parts categories. The most common categories are also available by default. It also offers hierarchical storage space management. You can keep track of where your parts are physically located.

Each part category can be assigned characteristic parameters. It helps to add usual parameters for a part, but it also helps a lot to sort or filter a part with chosen parameters.

MyElecParts has a full-featured built-in PDF viewer that displays attached documents quickly and easily. When you view the details of a part, its datasheet automatically opens, giving you instant access to all its details.

Inventorying parts is a long and tedious process unless you have a great tool to make it easier. MyElecParts makes this process simple and quick. You can search for parts and get the results from online sources with basic information such as manufacturer, packaging, description and even available data sheets. But that's not all, the search also returns typical parameters for discrete semiconductors and for some integrated semiconductor products. After selecting the right match, it is only a step to create an inventory part, which is pre-populated with the collected parameters and the selected data sheets.

The program also has a SMD marking code search function. It uses online sources, summarizes the results, groups them, extend it with pin number and package drawings to help to find the original part number.

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2024, 06:17:10 pm »
Hey thanks, I will take a look at this very closely.
Hoarder of 8-bit Commodore relics and 1960s Tektronix 500-series stuff. Unconventional interior decorator.

Offline amwales

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2024, 06:20:30 pm »
Thankyou for sharing this :)

Offline larrybud

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2024, 02:42:54 pm »
Thanks. Can you import a list from Excel or CSV?

Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2024, 03:46:56 pm »
Currently there is no export / import functionality.

Exporting date in a well defined format would be easy to add, but the importing is tricky as you either need to create your input in a well defined format, or a clever import mapping function needs to be implemented.
Can you share few rows example about your input?

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2024, 08:01:45 pm »
Heck, you can have the whole file.

I'm a developer and have written several imports from Excel. Since you're using .net use the


libraries to do your dirty work. You don't have to worry about date conversions.

The way I do any conversion is to write a library in whatever format I want to use for my own app, then I can just write conversion routines for whatever source I want to convert from, into my own format.

Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2024, 09:04:28 pm »
Before I decided to write my own inventory software I had similar spreadsheets. The difficulties here is not getting the data from the excel, but put it into the right fields.

Lets see your example sheet:

COLUMN in your XLS -> MyElecParts field
Uniqe ID -> Part Name
Type + Category + Class -> Part Category (You have three fields, I have full hierarchical categories, eg. IC + Logic Gate + TTL should be mapped to Digital IC -> Logic -> 7400. Creating new categories could work but it cases a mess and it results also loosing the predefined parameters of the existing categories. )
Location -> Storage location (new locations should be added during the import)
Package -> Package (not populated in your data)
Package 2 -> it is the pin number, no direct mapping
Name -> Description
Description -> It is a link to the datasheet or a page on the internet. I don't like to include such links, as they will sooner or later break. I rather download the datasheet and attach it to the part.

As you can see there are difficulties to select the right part category and maybe similar issue would be with the package if would be populated, and also with the datasheet.

List of your spreadsheet is not too long, I suggest to try the part meta search to store several parts from your list, just to get some experience with it, and you will see the power of meta search. It will collect more data than you currently have in your sheet. For example if you have a transistor it will collect description, manufacturer, package, data sheets and even characteristic parameters. It is more work at your side, but the result will be a more complete and usable database than with importing.

Online bostonman

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2024, 03:37:15 am »
I haven't tried this yet, however, I too have an Excel spreadsheet of my components.

It has many tabs for the different types of components, so maybe twelve or so tabs. Unfortunately not every tab is formatted the same due to the type of component.

Having said all this, would it make sense to create an import feature that would read each row/column and place it into the associated field in your program?

This way I, along with anyone else who has their inventory in a spreadsheet can change the columns to match your import feature and the spreadsheets will be imported much easier. Any cells that don't have associated information can be left blank or something such as '0' to avoid messing up the importing.

In my case my capacitor tab has columns associated with capacitor specs that I care about whereas the voltage regulator tab has Vin, current, etc...


Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2024, 08:04:56 am »
In your case you have one part category per tab. So in theory one tab could be imported into one MyElecParts part category if the category matches. In MyElecParts there are 3 capacitor categories by default I assume you have only one. Maybe splitting your input per MyElecParts part categories and importing one category at once could work, but still need a mapping of which columns goes into which fields.

I think many people use excel for this purpose, so an import feature would be great.
Perhaps a well defined format of the excel file could work with one part category per tab and one column per MyElecParts fields/parameters. Anyone who wants to use this feature would have to move their data into the appropriate tabs and columns. This is how it can work. Unfortunately, importing any arbitrary format is not possible.

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2024, 11:24:34 am »
Unfortunately, importing any arbitrary format is not possible.
May be it is worth to choose one common format for import/export? It should be pure text and standard (for example: XML or JSON).
This approach allows to import/export between MyElecParts and anything as 2 stage process. One stage directed (and implemented) by MyElecParts and another by end-user.
2nd stage converters could be implemented by anyone and independently from development of MyElecParts.

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2024, 02:22:06 pm »
In your case you have one part category per tab. So in theory one tab could be imported into one MyElecParts part category if the category matches. In MyElecParts there are 3 capacitor categories by default I assume you have only one. Maybe splitting your input per MyElecParts part categories and importing one category at once could work, but still need a mapping of which columns goes into which fields.

I think many people use excel for this purpose, so an import feature would be great.
Perhaps a well defined format of the excel file could work with one part category per tab and one column per MyElecParts fields/parameters. Anyone who wants to use this feature would have to move their data into the appropriate tabs and columns. This is how it can work. Unfortunately, importing any arbitrary format is not possible.

Yesterday I went to test your program on a Win7 machine, but it told me I needed to download something. I wasn't near Internet access, so I couldn't proceed to test your program.

Having said this, I'm still flying blind on the suggestions I make.

Maybe others have a more elaborate spreadsheet than I. Mine started basic, but noticed different components required different columns/categories (I know I'm repeating). As a result, it began growing with general columns being common throughout the tabs, but other tabs had more columns to cater to the component.

Attached are a few pages from my file. To the far right is a column labeled 'Project Used On'. I use this as a way to remember just what the part is to spark a memory. Sometimes the part was used on a specific project, other times it may be inventory tossed out from a job.

If you plan to move forward with an import feature, a "notes" column may benefit most as I'd use it for the column in my spreadsheet labeled 'Project Used On'. In many cases, I use this column as notes anyway, but it's important because it helps me visualize the actual part.

I'll gladly help with an import feature such as suggesting column titles. If you make an import feature, then the user such as I, could make every tab have the same column titles. Any columns and/or cells that don't have information would either require something like N/A, blank, or whatever makes it easier to import into your program (unless you make your import feature recognize blank cells and will leave that area blank in your program without crashing it).

Looking at my spreadsheet, you can see the general categories are:

Component type, company, component, part number, value, mounting type, voltage rating, wattage, vin, vout, etc...

To elaborate on what I stated above, for my 'Cables' tab, I don't have a 'Vin' category, but it's needed for something like a voltage regulator. This is why different tabs have different columns. Technically I could make every tab the same, but felt it would make each tab too large and waste space.

To import correctly, I'd change my Excel sheet to make every tab have the same column titles. As you can see though, it's important to have a variety of column titles to cover all the types of components.

Also, I have a 'MISC' tab that may be a bit more difficult to import and maybe worth just skipping. These are random parts that may be mechanical hardware or whatever.


Offline NightMoth

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2024, 03:30:54 pm »
Thank you for sharing, great job!

It will be great if in future releases you add "batch" and "vendor/price" related fields and ability to search by this fields.
In my excel I'm also trying to keep a track from which vendor and for which price some particular part has beed purchased, was this batch ok, was the vendor/delivery ok etc. to decide where to buy it next time.

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2024, 04:04:48 pm »
Any chance it could be made to use a sqlite source rather than MS SQL?
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Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2024, 06:50:39 pm »
May be it is worth to choose one common format for import/export? It should be pure text and standard (for example: XML or JSON).
Yes, definitely. This option I consider to add. I put it on the wish list.

I will also put the XLSX export/import with predefined format to the wish list.


Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2024, 07:41:35 pm »
I already have note column.

The Part category (Component type in your table) can be the name of the tab in xlsx, and the following columns would be available for all parts:

Name (e.g. LED 3 mm Orange)
Manufacturer part name (e.g L-934NC)
Description (e.g. Light emitting diode)

Manufacturer (e.g. Kingbright -> it is not a free text, but selection from a list, new one needs to be created, but avoid duplication. e.g. AVX and AVX Corporation are the same.)
Package (e.g. TO-220 -> it is also not a free text, but selection from a list, new one needs to be created, but avoid duplication. e.g TO218 = TO-218 = SOT-93)
Marking (package marking if it is an SMD marking code or abbreviated part type e.g. C3042)

Storage location (It can be hierarchical, e.g. HB01/Opto, new ones needs to be created)
Stock (Quantity, number only)
Condition ("Unknown", "New" or "Used", or "New and used")
Note (free text for any purpose)

Depending on the part category additional columns would be available. MyElecParts has predefined parameters for the existing part categories but it is also editable. E.g. For linear voltage regulator for example see the attached picture. For each part category parameter will be a column in the export/import file. Here several data types are supported, again easy to export but need correct input for the import.

Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2024, 07:48:56 pm »
Any chance it could be made to use a sqlite source rather than MS SQL?

No, it is not supported.

Offline PlainName

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2024, 08:30:40 pm »
Any chance it could be made to use a sqlite source rather than MS SQL?

No, it is not supported.

OK, thanks. Nevertheless, well done for doing this and making it available  :-+

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2024, 12:24:18 am »
I tinkered with the program a bit.

It looks great and I like how you implemented the datasheets and stuff into the program.

Based on your feedback, my feedback, and some current thoughts. My first concern, as is with any software, is that it requires SQL or whatever to be downloaded/installed. Going forward, this can cause issues should the program become unavailable, or, in the future, it doesn't work on new Windows platforms. My other question is regarding what seems obvious, but is confusing. Looking at one example, under 'Storage locations' (maybe make the titles all uppercase) you have two location groups and three locations, but, when I go in there, I see 'hobby box 1' for two components (which explains the two location groups), but then I don't see anything that represents three locations.

One concern about something like location is whether a batch rename exists. As an example, say I keep all my capacitors in 'Box 1' but in the future change it to another name. Can I do a batch rename from 'Box 1' to 'New Box'?

The fact you made it so it can be customized is great too; and I like that you include a list of package sizes and vendors that can be added to as well. Only recently did I start adding package sizes (within reason) with my list. In my case, I just want to know if I have a specific part. Once I know it exists, then I dig through that associated box to see if it's what I want/need.

When adding a part, I see red asterisks next to many fields. Although this is great, will this cause issues if/when you create a way to import from Excel?

Finally, for fields, I haven't looked through all of them, but, as mentioned, I know which fields I have (and can probably add more). If you overthink and/or keep getting input from everyone, most likely you'll never finish the program.

Having said this, a good set of fields will help, but not going overboard. In most cases, say for capacitors, I only care about whether it's through-hole or surface mount, value, and voltage (ignoring manufacture, part number, quantity, etc...). Maybe if I wanted to go overboard I'd want dimensions, but it's unnecessary. When it comes to voltage regulators, things change. I'd want to know the input voltage range, output voltage range, number of outputs, max output current, etc...

So I'd get a list of fields and include them accordingly without going too crazy.

From what I see, you created a great program without going overboard, but without making it lack important information.

Can't wait to see the import feature.


Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2024, 07:20:17 am »
It will be great if in future releases you add "batch" and "vendor/price" related fields and ability to search by this fields.

I put it on the wish list, but future future.

Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2024, 07:59:00 am »
My first concern, as is with any software, is that it requires SQL or whatever to be downloaded/installed. Going forward, this can cause issues should the program become unavailable, or, in the future, it doesn't work on new Windows platforms.

Every program can be obsolete in one point of time, but I think MS SQL and .NET will not disappear soon, so don't worry. In worst case you will be able to export all your data and import them into your future favorite program.

Looking at one example, under 'Storage locations' (maybe make the titles all uppercase) you have two location groups and three locations, but, when I go in there, I see 'hobby box 1' for two components (which explains the two location groups), but then I don't see anything that represents three locations.

The third location is the "Unknown". You can have parts under this location. It could be exclude from the calculation, but I think it is also a valid one.

One concern about something like location is whether a batch rename exists. As an example, say I keep all my capacitors in 'Box 1' but in the future change it to another name. Can I do a batch rename from 'Box 1' to 'New Box'?

Right click on the location name and Edit storage location: Here you can rename and also move the location under other location (just change the parent location here).
Other option to batch move parts is to select the parts to be moved by the checkbox of each row, and click on top right "Move selected parts" button. There you can specify the new location of the selected parts.

When adding a part, I see red asterisks next to many fields. Although this is great, will this cause issues if/when you create a way to import from Excel?

Red asterix for the required field but there are other constraints, for example the length of the fields or the part name is used to create directory for the attachment, so it can contain only a restricted set of characters. I have a validation function with rules defined for each fields, so I will be able to validate the imported part based on the same rules than the user edited parts.

Finally, for fields, I haven't looked through all of them, but, as mentioned, I know which fields I have (and can probably add more). If you overthink and/or keep getting input from everyone, most likely you'll never finish the program.

I want to keep it simple. I am not going to add any useless fields for the basic set of fields. Other programs might contains tons of fields are never really populated, eg. weight of the part or manufacturing status (active/disconnected), etc.
Otherwise you can add any parameter for a particular part category by own. If you need for example input voltage, or number of outputs for an IC, you can add it by own for one part category. (Right click on the part category name and choose Manage part category parameters.)


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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2024, 09:09:23 am »
I'm tempted to try this software. However I use Linux as my daily driver and MS SQL Server onboard is no go. Sorry.

What was wrong with using some cross-platform DB engine? That same PostgreSQL is supported in .NET.

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2024, 10:00:01 am »
If ODBC was used as the database connector it wouldn't matter so much what's behind it. I use it to connect sqlite to Altium for external database, for instance.
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Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2024, 11:34:26 am »
There is MS SQL for Linux. I also tested it on Debian and it works with MyElecParts with Wine:
See also the Installation tab on the home page.

MS SQL local db was choosen as it easy to install on Windows (no input required from the user), no additional setup of connect string or anything is needed, and the result will be data base files under the Data directory. So all data (image assets, or attachments ad database) are in one place under the Data directory. You can easily backup everything with saving just the Data directory in Windows.

If you would use any other database engine you need to care about configuring the right connect string and backup of the Data dir and also content of the database by own, which is for the average user is a difficulty.

I use Entitiy Framework 6 which in theory can support PostgreeSQL with additional provider (, but it requires additional dependencies, configuration and testing. I am not sure that all needed features is implemented in this provider.

Offline majkiTopic starter

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Re: MyElecParts - Electronic component search and inventory
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2024, 11:41:40 am »
There is no ODBC provider for the Entity Framework, so it is not an option here.
And I will not drop the Entity Framework ...

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