Author Topic: Natural Convection with MATLAB  (Read 4545 times)

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Offline s.mosfetTopic starter

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Natural Convection with MATLAB
« on: June 19, 2011, 06:50:37 pm »
I want to solve the problem of the natural convection for various types of surfaces, with the help of MATLAB.
The software i want to write, must be able to give, as result, the flux velocity an the temperature trend in space, given the temperature of the surface of a flatbed, for example.
I know that the software must be able to solve numerically a set of equations (heat, Navier-stokes..etc..).
I'm seeking for FEA, FVM, FDM (Finite Element, Finite Volume, Finite Difference Method).

I'm sure that someone has already solved these kind of problems.

Do you know where i can find the MATLAB code of the solution of this problem (with FEA,FVM and FDM)?

Any others useful informations are welcome.


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