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Output protection

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I'm a bit late to this, but in addition to the IR parts suggested by Mike you could also consider an ST VN800S or VN800PT (depending which package you're after) or an Infineon BTS4140N.  These are also Automotive parts, but if you're in the UK then Arrow, for example, usually carry stock of the BTS family.

Good luck!


--- Quote from: iainc on September 23, 2010, 02:44:00 pm ---I'm a bit late to this, but in addition to the IR parts suggested by Mike you could also consider an ST VN800S or VN800PT (depending which package you're after) or an Infineon BTS4140N.  These are also Automotive parts, but if you're in the UK then Arrow, for example, usually carry stock of the BTS family.

Good luck!

--- End quote ---
There are a few, ONSemi also do some,and these are all fine for on/off control, but if you want to do PWM be aware that many  of these devices have significant turn on/off delays (10s of uS) so read the datasheet carefully. Some of them also need some series resistance in the gate for the protection to work properly.


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