I purchased a couples of CX101BG panel meters from futurelec, but when I received them I couldn't get them to read beyond 200. Once I removed the divider network the meters started working correctly.
I lashed up the breadboard as shown in the first attachment. It pretty clearly shows a simple divider from 5V to ground and 1.66V being fed into the Panel Meter directly.
I then popped open meter itself (attachment 2) and there are a bunch of spaces for resistors.
So a few questions:
1) Has anyone seen this before? I've never seen mention of one of these panel meters coming stock for a range of 0-2V
2) Is it possible that the manufacturer didn't finish these two units and the missing resistors are the cause?
I've never used these panel meters before, so I'm really curious if this is a manufacturing defect, or if this is something in the way in which I've ordered these meters and this 0-2V range is really a stock item.
If anyone has one of these meters and could take a picture and post it back I'd really like to know if those resistor pads are supposed to be populated.