The Nanoxia arrived , and I start testing it ...
I must admit that it works !!

( no i did not open it up to check the PCB yet )
I must also to admit , that after
truly testing it , I am a bit disappointed .
I was count that this adjusting pot , it will make the deference that I was looking for ,
so to adjust with 100% PWM , the final DC output under my own likes .
( Or better said , to be able to adjust the fan speed at an specific low RPM value)
I found one software made by Gigabyte ( officially not compatible with my motherboard )
called as Easy Tune 6 ... ( It supposed that my motherboard are compatible with the older version Easy Tune5) ...
Any way the new works fine for me and has an amazing tool .... I can control the PWM signal of my CPU Fan header from 10% to 100 % ..
And so I got lots of playing around with Nanoxia + The Big fan + PWM signals .
I am not that high-tech , graphs and Oscilloscope , but I managed to make some pictures that shows how this thing responds ...
My main complain about it , are the scalability of the Pot ( potentiometer ) it self !!
The adjustment like Low - High are very poor for my taste ...
According my tests it represents just 200 rpm change from low to High ..
This poor behavior ( un-moded ) makes it, look like a poor choice !!
Who cares for just 200 RPM change ?
I am happy and sad together ...
Pictures of my tests , and pictures of the box ( for the collectors out there)

, that actually its not carton, but its made by strong nylon.