Hi there! First time posting here, been a long time youtube subscriber but never got around to visiting the forums all that much for some reason. I'm somewhat new to electronics but I like to think I know what I'm talking about, at least most of the time.
You read the title of the thread but before I get into that let me start by saying I'm not doing this because I'm a cheapskate. As an underage student I live on about $1400
a year. Sure, I live at home and don't pay the bills but that's still not a lot of money to fuel the financial black hole that is the electronics hobby. Right now I'm desperately in need of a new multimeter and I've got about half a dozen projects on the backburner because I'm saving up money for parts. Dropping $50 on a µcurrent just isn't realistic at the moment, sorry Dave!
I'll probably get one at some point in the future, probably after school when I have an employment (or wellfare

) but the reason I made this thread is just to explore my curiosity.
Now as I said, you read the title, you know what this is about. I had a peek at the circuit diagram and a lot of the design choices looked to me like they where made for two main reasons: to keep it all on one board - no loose components, and to make it run off of a single 2032. Omitting those two design guidelines would it not be possible to build a µcurrent using through-hole jellybean components?
I hopped onto a circuit simulator and shaved as much off of the design as I could to get down to the basics of how it worked and got it to work perfectly. I then breadboarded it with an LM324 (what I had available) and as you'd expect it failed miserably. Any number of things could have gone wrong, the chip could be busted, my multimeter could be malfunctioning (not unsurprising as the amp ranges have already died entirely, why I'm desperate for a new one), I could have breadboarded it wrong or it could just not work with the 324. Frankly I didn't bother troubleshooting as I realized I'm in a little bit over my head, trying to reverse engineer a circuit like that.
I decided to ask for help before proceeding, not only for the reason above but because it's very nearly 6am and I'm dying to get to bed.
If this triggers anyone's interest please feel free to toss your ideas and thoughts into the ring!