Author Topic: Photo-coupler & TOPSwitch-II = 110/220 auto selector  (Read 5241 times)

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Photo-coupler & TOPSwitch-II = 110/220 auto selector
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:16:58 pm »
I have one tale to share ...

Recently repaired one Ansmann " Energy 8 "  NiMH charger , its a lovely device well made ,
and it is an very smart one .  ;D

Still got injured at the 110/220 auto selector  mini board , from bad AC supply of the electrical network.  

The long story short , this board has on it an SHARP Photo-coupler PC817 ,
plus one mini transformer and few capacitors .  
Plus  the TOPSwitch-II ( smart transistor )  TOP 223Y .

In my case the TOP 223Y was blown , and there was no evidence of what it was ...

By searching on the net , for info , for the only one (second IC on the board)  ( SHARP  PC817 ) ,
found that it was used and in another  110/220 auto selector board, of another power-supply ,
called as Mastech HY5020E .

The TOP 223Y its an 30W one ,  the next TOP 224Y its an 35W one ...
And does the same job .

The point of my tale are , that those two parts SHARP  PC817 & TOP 223Y , looks like they are always together , in those designs .

If you find the SHARP one  on it , now you know what is the blown one !!  ;D

The latest Ansmann chargers , are great devices , about the damaged one , I got it damaged from Germany for just 10 EUR (ebay)  ..  6 EUR was the cost for the TOP 224Y ( not Chinese one ) .
Got also as new the  Ansmann " Energy 4 speed " .
And their digital battery tester  " Energy Check LCD "  ( with load ) .
All of them , fine products.

Here is , how the PCB of the 110/220 auto selector , looks like ... (Mastech HY5020E)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 07:23:10 pm by Kiriakos-GR »

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