Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

Picking up solder with wick

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Chemtronics makes several widths of solder wick with a rosin coating on the wick.  The type I use for most smd can be purchased from digikey.  Chemtronics # 50-1-25, Digikey number add a -ND.  This stuff works pretty good. 

The varying sizes of wick are for the pin width of the device you are attempting to desolder.  A wick that is 3/16" wide will not work as well as using a wick that is only 1/16" wide for most SOIC type ic's (even when you are laying it across multiple pins) or discretes between 0603 - 2512.  Most people just have that standard, thick, solder wick laying around from the through hole days.  My experience is that this doesn't work well with smd (but fluxing the crap out of it will help).

Hope this helps someone. 


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