With the help from Michael, I have put together a very minimal setup with just the Pico and a 16x2 LCD display on a breadboard.
I'm feeding it with my square wave GPSDO 10Mhz output as the input frequency. I'm also using the GPS 1PPS signal to let the software calibrate the Pico clock.
Using square wave inputs means that I don't need any front-end circuitry, I connect the signals straight to the Pico GPIO pins on the breadboard.
I should add that the 1PPS calibration works very well.
With it, I can get a very stable display of 10.000,000,0 MHz with occasionally flipping 1-2 counts.
Going one digit further in resolution shows an unruly last digit.
This is an impressive feat that can be improved by using Michael's PCB and a proper setup with better shielded cables.
That's not my plan, this was just a proof of concept for me that passed with flying colors.
I'm now building the STM32 version (Fmeter-G431) on Michael's PCB to see how far I can get with that.
This will be reported in the other thread.
I started a post on my own Blog with more information.
It can be found here :
https://www.paulvdiyblogs.net/2023/01/a-high-resolution-reciprocal-counterComments are better handled here.