Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

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I've been trying to find an IC for a prototype. It's a production part, but the only sources that have any in stock appear to be speculators who are only interested in selling large quantities to OEMs. At least, that's what I've got to assume since not one of them has bothered to reply to my emails.

Of course, living in a third world country doesn't help. What I need is a MC145170P (or P1 or P2; P2 is current). Motorola / Freescale or equivalent would do, I won't be pushing the limits of even the original version's specs.

The prototype is complete except for this part and programming the MCU. It's not a terribly common part, but I never expected it to be this hard to find one.

I haven't tried them but you could.



Sounds like a job for ebay, although it may be used and expensive ebay does weird well.

Still looking; thanks for the tips but no luck yet. It's kind of a shame; this is a very cool chip if you want to generate a wide range of frequencies (up to 185 Mhz) and select the output frequency by MCU control.

The suggestion to try eBay; I'm not in the US, and shipping / customs would be (cough) significant. I'll give it a shot anyway - it looks to me like this part has been popular in the OEM market (they've been making them for about 15 years already). But nobody has spread the word, so the hobbyist and designers probably don't know about it. If you can find them, they're dirt cheap; a buck or two.

I've found some on eBay - not many, and the prices are high. Best deal I've found is someone in Greece who would ship me one for $13.00 - customs on electronics here would double that to $26.00. Not a great deal. I'll keep looking.

Request samples from the manufacturer? (I assume you must have thought of that and it was not successful...)


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