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Please recommend a VGA to parallel LCD board or IC

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Hello everybody,

In my quest of replacing the CRT displays on some TE with LCD, I need to get some of these VGA to LCD adapter boards (or maybe the just the IC) that can be configured regarding the number of lines/pixels that can be skipped, timing and other parameters, because getting 4:3 aspect LCDs in 6-9" range with VGA resolution is almost impossible nowadays for an acceptable price, so I may need to configure a "window" into a larger or higher resolution LCD.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated, especially ready made adapter boards, except for FPGA solutions "from scratch" because I have neither the knowledge, or the workflow to build FPGA digital design applications.

 Many thanks,

VGA to HDMI adapters exist (though a bit rare), but are not cheap.

@Benta - thanks for your reply, but I'm not looking for anything like this, I'm looking for a driver board (or IC) that is capable to drive a LCD panel with either TTL parallel inputs or LVDS (not MIPI-DSI) using signals from the VGA connector that many test equipments have.
That is because I want to replace the CRT for the devices that have a VGA or raster display, the vectorial ones are a totally different story.

So far, after some search the most popular seem to be Realtek RTD2660/RTD2662 that seem to be in a lot of low cost driver boards as well as available as individual ICs.
The chip is pretty interesting, it has a lot of interfacing possibilities and the embedded 8051 core allows for OSD and other programmable stuff.
For the benefit of other people that may look for something similar, I'm attaching the datasheet and links to the programming interface (multiple options) and to some castrated but, useful SDK.


Programming via i2c:

I would LOVE to get the original SDK and examples from Realtek, but because I'm not Chinese, it will most likely not happen.

Please if you know of other resources related to this chip or other similar chips post them here or PM if they are "hot".


EDIT: Datasheet is too large  :rant:, PM me if you want it but is allover the net.

Alex Eisenhut:
I can't "recommend" anything in the sense of a solution that I know works, but:


Of course this might not come with the amount of control you want.

VGA to HDMI seems cheap and cheerful


but who knows how it will work in reality?


--- Quote from: Benta on December 03, 2020, 07:03:31 pm ---VGA to HDMI adapters exist (though a bit rare), but are not cheap.

--- End quote ---
Similar things are available on ebay for about £6. I use one on my Keysight MSOX scope.


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