I recently bought a tablet PC, found it had very poor WiFi reception, took it apart and found it had a CC&C WF-294 WiFi board double-sided taped to the mainboard. If I lifted it up off the tape it worked fine, laid down it would stop receiving well, could never find a suitable fine adjustment to the original mount that would allow it to work so I relocated the board to an empty spot in the tablet away from other components and it works sufficiently.
https://picasaweb.google.com/106665950947437882076/UPadZT180GoogleAndroid22FroyoTabletPC7Inch1GHZTabletPCCamera4GBZeniThinkM7013?authkey=Gv1sRgCNjuqpDYy_GdugE&feat=directlinkIf you look closely you can see the designer made the mainboard with a little rectangular hole, presumably for an RF diode to emit RF out of? I'm not sure about the heat or RF issues of this design, so I'm guessing I'm asking if this design is common, and if in your guess is it good, bad, or ugly?
In case you want to know, it's a Zenithink ZT-180v2 7" tablet, running Android 2.2.