I know, it was just easier for the moment to quickly take a picture:)
Well, they look like they are working still... VDD was at the right place so I just flipped VEE and VSS. I don't know exactly how the ICs deal with that. The only thing I know is that none of them got warm at all during that false condition.
Why I don't use Digital Pots? that's a question I can't even answer correctly... I don't know. I know that Microchip makes some affordable ones, but mostly for the 0-5V range. I would need more advanced ones suited for +-15V. They are not so easy to get and for example ones from Maxim can set you back like 5 Euros a piece.
I found the MCP45HV31-104 on Mouser and it's not that expensive.
https://www.mouser.co.uk/datasheet/2/268/20005304A-347268.pdfhttps://www.mouser.co.uk/ProductDetail/Microchip/MCP45HV31-104E-ST?qs=sGAEpiMZZMsX%252BY3VKDPZyDmk%2F7K7pp5vGOCPiD6M3Qtywf8IqRh4%252Bw%3D%3DYes, it is indeed a programmable guitar amplifier. I was playing around with the 4016 and 4066 ICs before aswell, but they were missing the digital level shifter. the 405x ICs have that already built in.
You need the 74HC4316, which has a built-in level shifter.
https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/308789.pdfhttps://uk.farnell.com/nexperia/74hc4316d-652/analogue-switch-quad-spst-soic/dp/2445219If you're set on making your own digital variable resistor, use two 74HC4316, and eight resistors: 400R, 800R, 1k6, 3k2, 6k4, 12k8, 25k6 and 51k2 (you might want to use the nearest E24, or E96 value for convenience), each bypassed by an analogue switch, to give a value ranging from 0, (in theory, but it will be more like 480R, due to the resistance of the switches) to 102k.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_series_of_preferred_numbers#ListsI don't know why you'd do that, as it will probably work out more expensive than the MCP45HV31-104.
Also note that it's the signal level that matters. The op-amps in your circuit can be powered off +/-15V, with the analogue switches run off +/-5V and it will work, so long as the signal through the analogue switches doesn't exceed +/-5V.
It's also possible to use a 5V digital potentiometer, in a +/-15V circuit, by running it off 5V and biasing it at 2.5V, so long as the signal doesn't swing beyond +/-2.5V.
The example below will work, as long as the input voltage doesn't exceed +/-2.5V. The output of the op-amp, can be much higher, as it's the voltage swing across U1 which matters. R1 and R2 bias it at 2.5V, so if the signal swings from -2.5V, to +2.5V, the voltage on U1 will range from 0V to 5V. It's also possible to do a similar thing with analogue switches run off 5V.