Looking at your sim it's very difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, or if the sim is even functioning as intended... and in your video I'm not even sure I can make out the whining over the background noise.
Apologies for the unclear documentation in the sim!
V1 represents the battery from which im trying to keep at a certain current (set to 10A in the sim)
V2 represents the supercapacitor (at a fixed voltage) that the LT8708 either charges or feeds into the bus
S3 represents the varying load (drawing 1A before 3ms, drawing 18A after 3ms
hence, before 3ms, the LT8708 pulls 9A from the battery to charge the "supercapacitor" (V2), after the "switch load" turns on, the LT8708 dumps 8A into the V1/load bus, keeping current drawn from the battery (V1) at 10A.
There is a current spike lasting around 1ms when the switch turns on, but it is more than fast enough for the onboard judge system that polls battery current at a measely 10hz (but im minimizing response time just to reduce the chances of it polling coincidently at the spike.)
and in your video I'm not even sure I can make out the whining over the background noise.
In the video, the whining sound is most obvious nearing the end after the load is turned off and the lt8708 is pulling 10A to charge the supercapacitor (after the last beep around 18 second mark). You are right I cant hear any whining sound initially at low currents but the waveforms still look horrible.
That said, the LT8228 is still a beast and required direct support from LT/ADI to figure some things out (their LTspice model had a lot of issues). The thought of trying to debug such a circuit without a proper digital scope is also pretty scary.
Do you have any way for me to get technical support from ADI as a small fry college student? not sure if anyone would entertain such a small player (the free ADI technical support has yet to get back to me...)
I have another last ditch effort in mind, that is to replicate the DC2596A layout exactly as much as possible with plenty of test points to rule out any issues caused by poor layout. If that too fails, then Ill just call it a day, do some stress tests to prove reliability and hope it survives the competition without blowing up

(because it kinda works (i guess...) as seen in the last picture where i measured apparent power in yellow) Load is stepped from 2A at 25V to various currents ranging from 5A-15A, and the module has managed to keep apparent power drawn at no more than 100W (which i set via applying a voltage V3. V3 expects voltage input ranging from 2.5v to 1v representing battery current limit of 0A to 10A [linear relationship])
A few years ago I evaluated the LT8708 for a similar load leveling application, but opted for the LT8228 instead as it seemed to suit my needs better. I also had a requirement to be able to dynamically change the current limit (basically slaving the PWM controller to an MCU). I recall also coming to the conclusion that with the LT8708, this would require injecting offset voltages on all the IMON pins. With the LT8228 I could do this simply by overriding the SS pin voltage. On the other hand, the LT8228 only operates with a half bridge power circuit, so if you to operate with both V1<V2 and V2>V1, it's not an option.
That being said, would you mind sharing what issues you encountered? given that they are all from the same family of LT8xxx bidirectional DCDC chips, perhaps some gotchas would apply to my case as well
Yep I remember looking at LT8228 chip as well, but the restriction of having one side strictly higher than the other meant my energy storage capacity is gimped either ways so I went with LT8708 with a comparator to decide which way current flows by the DIR pin
But using the soft start pin as an adjustable current limit sounds like a ingenious hack, I would like to see how that worked (I definitely do not remember the datasheet specifying that as a way to implement dynamic current limiting, only the ISETxx pins)