I am currently working on a portable project which used a single cell lipo.
Without giving too much away, it's simple device that controls a few high power leds controlled though a esp32(via mosfets of course).
I need to implement battery protection circuit from over discharge and potential short circuit.
My battery is a tiny 3.8v LiHV (300 mah 45c), tested works fine.
I am boosting it to 5v via a TI tps61022rwur, that's all good, my device pulls MAX 3 ish amps for no more then 1-3 seconds (flash led).
I had a few issues when the battery gets low(empty), in software that I wrote for the esp, its measure the battery voltage and is supposed to shutdown the MCU when it gets low, still had issues when it was low battery. Instead I want to also implement a dedicated IC.
I came across a Ti BQ29700EVM-610 Eval board which uses a BQ29700 chip, the eval board work perfect for my application short circuit and UV protection work perfect. Was just going to copy the dev board schematic with same parts.
Issues I ran into which was only mentioned on one page on the TI form and only on page 16, that unless that chip sees a charger first or V- is shorted to VSS temporarily it wont power on when I swap out a battery.... (for the first time when the chip gets powered).
http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/bq2970.pdfEval board datasheet,
http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sluuaz3/sluuaz3.pdfThat's no good for my application when switching batteries out.
Is there another chip someone can recommend for my power requirements? another idea I thought was to implement a one shot timer with a 555 that would briefly toggle the protection chip on (but it would need to work down to 3v...), am I going the wrong way about this?
If V- is shorted to VSS the circuit works but then the protection does not kick in (must be in always reset mode)....