To their credit, they did issue a PCN about this. I promptly dropped them as a supplier when I received that PCN, so I know it happened....
RK73B RK73H series meets your need, except that E96 in 0603 it is not marked. (I also don't know if they offer E192, because in general E192 is so badly stocked that I simply never use it. I don't know that anyone really offers it.) They have the added advantage that they are blue, which means you can tell immediately if someone swapped out one of your parts without telling you. No one marks 0402s --
no one -- but their 0402 jumpers at least are green, which is very nice. They also offer red (red! so distinguishable!) surge rated parts, which are nice but a little pricey for what they are. These are my favorites because they are so easy to recognize.
Yageo is also excellent and very widely stocked. Stackpole is very good but historically not as well stocked. Both are well marked at 0603 (even E96) and above and describe their markings, either in documentation (Yageo) or on their ordering site (Stackpole). I will usually buy KOA for most parts then fill in with these guys.
Susumu is nice for thin films as their markings are distinctive to the company. However, they don't describe what they will and won't mark. I recall they didn't mark at least one thing I was expecting to have marked, but that might have been an oddball. They do mark 0603 in E24 and E96 and 0805 and up fully.
There are other vendors (TE isn't half bad, especially for high power stuff; you'd do well to look at CRGP and friends, E24 at least is fully marked in my experience), but as someone who also looks for markings (probably for a different reason... I am always working with prototypes that might come out wrong or get reworked, and markings have saved my ass more than once), these are my go-tos.