I'm looking for displays for my projects. My go-to choice used to be the nokia 5110 display. As much as I like it, it is too small, and feels very outdated. Resolution is also not enough (84x48 px). So, any recommendations for replacement?
I'm also looking for good color displays. I have a few, but they are TN, and I'm not happy with viewing angles and non-uniform picture. Could someone suggest something? I'm looking for 1.8-2.4" size displays.
I'm looking both for modules so that I can quickly try it, and bare displays. I tried to google, but didn't find anything useful.
To share some experience, I can recommend these 3.5" IPS displays:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32602544112.html . It's ili9488. The colors a vibrant, the black is black, good viewing angles, and backlight is more-or-less uniform. They are good, but too big for my project. Just one quirk, I have two types of ILI9488: with resistive touchscreen, and without. The one without requires to invert colors in initialization code. Seems to be a common issue, but I didn't find any explanations why some ILI9488 require it, why others not. Possibly a bad clone? The manufacturer seem LiangHaoCai (couldn't find it on google), and it seems it's their official shop on aliexpress or something.
I also bought R61529 (which they claim is superior and "sunlight readable"), but haven't tried it yet.
There are displays that I also don't recommend, I'll take pictures and share them here.