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Super Embedded System CPU Core

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maybe my question will be a dumb one, just as the topic:

i've seen/read several type of dev/eval embedded board using from as simple as PIC and Atmel to more advance ARM and CPLD and FPGA.
now the stupid question that i'm wondering...

is there any or possibility of embedded system using "at the edge of the line" "multicored super high speed" CPU such as Intel Pentium Core 2 Quad, or Mac CPU etc?
well... i dont know! but will be glad if there is any ???

You could just use a normal PC motherboard. But x86 really is too inefficient for embedded. The Cell processor looks like a better choice if you're after high speed.


--- Quote from: NiHaoMike on July 28, 2010, 04:03:05 am ---You could just use a normal PC motherboard. But x86 really is too inefficient for embedded. The Cell processor looks like a better choice if you're after high speed.

--- End quote ---
cell processor? any example?

i'm thinking an embedded Pentium that we can program in specific IDE from another PC, just like AVR ISP or pickit2, without the hassle with Operating System programming, Windows OS start up delay crap etc. and we can turn off the display to save battery, go as light as possible in term of PCB and accessories weight. but still can accept keyboard input if we connect it to. USB and sound support. RAM and HDD upgradable just like normal PC, and easier to connect to other "more physical system" like motor and its control, relay, led another MCU thru USB, SPI, UART etc etc.


You can get embedded Pentiums from a few different places. I used 486 boards from Compulab - http://compulab.co.il/all-products/html/products.htm , and it looks like they have Pentium-M and Atoms now.

The segment is probably not large enough to warrant a complete IDE environment like the Arduino, when the attraction of using something like this is that you *can* use an operating system like Linux or VxWorks. If you're using a powerful CPU, why not use an operating system?

i got the Atom 330, but more toward PC based, i'm not sure if i can modify it to become an embedded system. i would like to connect it with my Arduino, but currently thru USB, its not so efficient. better if i can get it thru SPI or even UART. i would like to cut the "big big" VGA/Ethernet/USB connectors and change it to bare wires to decrease weight. maybe take out the PCI Express connector if i dont need it. modify the PSU. I wish the motherboard could have been smaller, more packed. and i dont like the idea that it has to run Windows. but i guess maybe i should learn on how to build my own Operating System :o


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