The amplifier was designed by M. Bittner and published on his webpage:
http://www.lf-pro.net/mbittner/Sym5_Webpage/symasym5_3.htmlThe SymAsym 5 (later 5.3) has become a sensation and people from many countries, including Poland, very quickly began to make those devices. However, the original SymAsym PCB design was faulty and many users complained about some problems with it - the common issue was an unstable operation. The PCB was also too big and looked like it was designed by someone with no experience in printed circuit board design. Despite of these disadvantages, nobody has created a better version, so I decided to do it myself.
While designing the circuit, I was doing my best to keep it being symetrical in both mechanics and currents, what has succeeded almost perfect. Moreover, I have fixed the problems with unstable operation, which were caused by too long and misplaced traces on the original PCB. The final dimensions of my design were 61x57mm.
The prototype was built in January, 2009.
The prototype has passed tests, the board was very small and the amplifier worked stable. The sound quality was really great.
This design was appreciated by DIYaudio users, so i made a few pieces of the device for them. This version had a corrected symmetry and shortened traces of the high-impedance feedback. Effects of such changes could be only positive. I've also choosen better values for some electronic components (the whole list is published in the 'Manual' section on my website).
Dimensions of the board were reduced to 59x58mm.
This version of the PCB was named v0.2.
The amplifier has met so huge appreciation that DIYaudio users decided to make a group order in a PCB manufacturing company. Of course I took up to make this order and after several days they have received 150 (one houndred and fifty!) boards. The most important parameter of these PCBs was a thickness of the copper layer - it was over 105µm, which is considered to be an 'audiophile' value.

After a consideration of the comments on the 'red' PCB quality, I have ordered 50 more pieces which were manufactured better.
For now, only the 'green' ones are available.
New and so far the most polished version of the PCB is now available!
The next version created to fulfill amateurs' needs.
- the boards are joined in pairs - the joint can be cracked if needed,
- copper layer thickness 70µm,
- increased width of the supply traces, maximal current: 15A per rail,
- enlarged mounting drills, fits with M3,
- better place and lower trace length of the high-impedance feedback,
- kept placing of the output transistors, no need to change the heat sink,
- removed electrolytic capacitors from the main supply rails,
- proffesionaly manufactured - unscratchable matt silkscreen, HAL tin plating, a soldermask made in the right way (before tin plating), what makes it really resistant to any damage,
Dimensions: 60x60mm

People using my pcb:
http://flodins.info/sym-v2-by-flodins/83-sym-v2-by-flodins-galeriaCurrently I'm selling this pcb worldwide. Many people from usa and europe are very satisfied so and I (:
What you guys think about my project?