Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
The Cybertek's CK100 Injection transformer demo video.
This video was inspired by some of the post here in EEVBLOG. This is a start of a series of injection videos demonstration. In this video, I tested the CK100 injection transformer by Cybertek. I show a demostration of the CK100 taking a bode plot of my loop of my power supply. I also measured the input impedance of the injection transformer and finally measured the transmission loss to find the upper and lower bandwidth. The following demonstration videos series will include injection transformers from Omicron, Picotest, Tekbox and Ridley Engineering. Question or comments can be sent to rbola35618@aol.com
Do you have a load connected when you do the s21 response? The presence or absence of the 5-10 ohm resistor commonly used for loop injection will change the result pretty drastically. E.g., the Blue Dot datasheet attached shows the response with and without it. Also, I attached a good paper by omicron on how to extract a number of interesting transformer parameters. I did this for a couple injectors -- happy to compare notes if you'd like. Cheers!
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