I've a problem with the CE marking of a professional power amplifier that has a forced air cooling.
An engineer at the conformity assessment laboratory says that, to comply with regulations about fire propagation, the ventilation apertures must have a maximum size of 1.0 mm.
In the prototypes these apertures are:
- some slits on one side, for cool air input, about 3 x 100 mm each (the case is made of 1.2 mm steel, and it is not possible to punch it with a die smaller than 2.5- 3.0 mm or the sheet will be deformed).
- the exhaust fan, low voltage DC, with finger guard. A screwdriver inserted there will touch only low voltage parts.
I test and open everyday professional equipment that has similar construction, and I do not see any aperture smaller than 3 mm (this size assures safety against contact with dangerous internal parts), and the chrome wire fan guard is standard.
Where is the catch?
Is there any expert member that can give me an opinion?
I'm waiting for a mail message that reports the point of the regulations that require this, but I want to be ready for an answer, and cannot find any information on the subject.