- the video shows a very fast current increase. Did you run this with a current source ? Or is just the video too fast ?
The bench supply is the weak spot of my lab.
I used a very cheap supply for this experiment. In the video I just cranked up the current limit to overload the 2N2222. I assume the current jumped up to something around 200mA, didn´t check that.
In the meantime I have some HP-supplies but I still have to integrate them into my bench...
- In my transistors, I see a noise curve very explainable by your KD503 video. First, only a few hotspots light up,
then more and more, until the whole area is bright. So noise *falls* with rising current. The 2N2222 seems to start almost immediately. Why ?
The Zener range is the same (> 7V), so it must be an avalanche mechanism.
Why? My supply!
It´s a pain in the ass to adjust the current limit around 10mA. The supply doesn´t even show smaller currents than 10mA. I had to meassure the current with my bench meter.
In the KD503 10mA is low enough to get the small little hotspots. In the 2N2222 with 10mA the current density is already high enough to light it up almost completely.
I have uploaded a new picture showing the glowing with lower current:
You can see the light is not uniform. With smaller currents I´m sure it would look like the KD501.
I observed the same effect with the 2N3055:
To get a uniform light in the big old ones you need a lot of current. They get pretty hot. In the newer small dies some ten mA are enough to get a nice light all over the place.
- Do you want noise plots ? In case the 2N2222A behaves the same, they could be of interest.
Of course! That would be very interesting!
Thanks again ! If you dont mind, I really want to give you an honourable mention in a paper I'm writing.
It would be an honour!