That is correct. Youtube deletes the offending content. The website does not get shut down because of it. In the same fashion you should get contacted and take the offending file down. If your hoster takes the site down without talking to you, you got a shitty hoster.
Sorry, but you ain't comparing apples with apples there.
Both Youtube and the web host
do the simplest and quickest thing they can to comply with the DMCA request.
In the case of Youtube, they press a button to take the offending video offline. They have no reason to take down any other videos of yours because that would require extra work on their part and there is no point. Youtube can shut down individual videos because that's how the system works, it's an individual video sharing site.
In the case of a web host they push a button to suspend your account. They don't want to go into your account and system files to find and remove the offending file or database entry or whatever it is, that's far too much work and they can screw things up. They don't want to screw things up just in case you appeal
In they both cases the simply do what is easiest for them to comply as quickly as possible. And neither of them ask you first, they just do it and
then contact you.
I'm with HostMonster, one of the biggest shared host providers with one of the biggest reputations (usually listed in the top 10 wordwide?)
Tell me one that you know for a fact goes to the effort to remove individual files or database entries for a basic <$10/month plan,
and contacts them first for an explanation before doing it.
Akamai is hosting Apple and many many other huge customers. If I send DMCA takedown to Akamai, they will NOT take down Apple domain just because someone linked an illegal mp3 file on their forum or comment section. They will contact Apple and their admins will take action. The only difference between EEVBLog and Apple for example, the latter has an army of lawyers and if Akamai pulled the plug, they will assrape their hoster in court.
That's a HUGE difference, and that's how it work in the real world. Apple gets special treatment because they are Apple.
My web host doesn't give a toss about me because I'm just one of
several hundred thousand customers paying my $6/month.