I've seen a few threads on here before asking stuff about MOV's(in regards to surge protection) and stuff, so that got me thinking, whats in my UPS, so i opened it up, and i was shock(not literly) the only Mov's are on the the circiut board, and the side thats is "Surge" only, comes straight from the mains(there is a fuse/Circuit Breaker on the "hot" line thats it), so do i really have an "surge" protection on that side? I drew up a schematic in eagle, i'm sure the syblols aren't all correct but it gets the idea accross, i'll also post pics of the actual insides later, i just want to see if my schematic is enough and if it makes sense. here is the schematic for now, there are some notes on the schematic regarding sybols i used and stuff, also i know the transforer isn't shown right on the schematic, as the real one has 6 connections. Also i didn't do a schematic of the PCB, way to much stuff on there, but there is a Pic micro on it, like 5-6 MOV's, a relay, some what i asume are FET's, a small X-former, bunch of caps, reistors, and SMT stuff, 2 "30 amp" blade sype fuses, likes what's in a car: