Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
Warning : Fake large electrolytic on eBay !!
Some one else pointed this picture to me.
And I will share it with all of you. :)
If you do not have a good DMM that reads 10.000mF or more, do not delay about getting one.
I've seen this picture before. And each time I see it, I think, why
would you use a high quality Rubycon capacitor in a fake capacitor?
Why not use some other no-name cap?
Unless the Rubycon capacitor itself is a fake and there's a smaller
capacitor inside of it....
--- Quote from: slburris on August 25, 2011, 09:46:39 pm ---
Unless the Rubycon capacitor itself is a fake and there's a smaller
capacitor inside of it....
--- End quote ---
That's sounded funny, but if you are correct, the one who did that, he must be some one who has lots of hate about electronics. LOL
I got a bit paranoid and measured all my big, lightweight caps. ::)
It happens with LEDs as well
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