Cap off..
Sorry about that. I'm too tired to turn the caps off and rewrite the line.
To business: I am the not so proud owner of a Watson W-25AM linear PSU. I thank the Gods I also have a Power Max 45NF here too, but have run out of terminal space.
I enjoy working 4 and 6 metres. BUT, and this is the big but; as I have no room left on the Power Max 45, I have had to resort to the W-25A to transmit with the two radios on 4 and 6 metres.
You guessed it: The W-25AM falls down at the slightest sniff of low band RF.
Yes, I know, I must be dumb, but even though I have been a ham for 34 years, I have never had to decouple a PSU before. So, I guess it is about time I learned. A few pointers here and there would be most welcome. That is where to and where not to decouple and what values, etc. I guess I have to get pencil to paper and work out values that are short to 4 and 6 metres, but where on a PSU is the best place to put the capacitors for best effect?
73 de Tony