Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
What can I use a 13.8 V 20 A linear supply for?
Someone apparently didn't want their 13.8 V 20 A power supply, so I picked it up in true EEVBlog fashion. Only, I don't know what to do with it. Are there any fun applications for it, or is it rightfully just needlessly heavy e-waste?
I've come to understand they're used to run two-way radios meant to run on car batteries, but I'm not really into that. I more enjoy repairing things, but I don't see 13.8 V being particularly useful there...
With this in mind, are there any interesting things I can do with it?
- Schematics available (attached)
- No current limiting (except the fuse)
- Super heavy
The circuit is pretty small, so no big loss if you didn't use all of it, but I wonder what the transformer is capable of, if you didn't use the center tap ? In my hobby use, I haven't needed high currents for anything really. Maybe I would for some chemistry experiments, or some huge BJT homebrew computer/MCU.
I have a few transformers from stereo's, that I've used or can use in PSU projects. Most of them didn't really have the windings or voltages I wanted, and required more transformers.
So far I made 1 decent PSU, from an old all BJT design. Next I want to make one with op-amp's, and I bought some uA723's ages ago, I'll have to use them soon.
the Chris:
I have a similar unit now for over fifteen years and it is still unused. I originally got it for testing car hifi amplifiers outside the car but due to a new car, the whole car hifi thing came to an end and I never picked that hobby up again but rather restrict myself to home theatre stuff.
--- Quote from: ohren on January 19, 2025, 04:50:52 am ---, but I'm not really into that. I more enjoy repairing things, but I don't see 13.8 V being particularly useful there...
With this in mind, are there any interesting things I can do with it?
--- End quote ---
That's enough to run Peltier coolers/heaters, and you can easily add a regulator block to make a variable supply, for general electronics.
Even 1A is useful there.
--- Quote from: ohren on January 19, 2025, 04:50:52 am ---
- No current limiting (except the fuse)
--- End quote ---
Most of these kinds of supplies have current limiting configured at their stated max amp rating. Usually it is set up as foldback limiting.
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