next iteration:
R23 - to avoid simulator crashing, somehow it generated negative potential on load when OC off.
U2 - curr. sense op-amp X20 0.5A == 5V
S1, U5 - simulator OC off from a second channel
U4 - accordingly to the second channel
U3 -comparing predefined V and U2 output, triggering latch
Q1, Q2 - latch
Q4,Q5 - to shut the Q6 switch
LED2 - indicator
Questions where I'm not certain:
Q4, Q5, Q6 - Have a feeling something not right, or elegant, something i did not correctly ...
C1 - where Q1 - an idea to avoid false positive during turn-on process ...; seems doesn't work, and will it slow down? what else the better way ?
and finally resistors for Q1 Q2 latch - im really fussy about nominals ....
UPD, OK I know , i need to bump 7805 output, using 2 diodes, to avoid opamp ceiling of 5V, + vref - lm336-5