Frustrated with the limited functionality of USB and Ethernet to serial port adapters throughput, I'm finally ready to consider putting an Ethernet to serial adapter on each of my test fixture boards and letting the PC address them separately. Hopefully the delays on the Ethernet bus won't impact the message exchange protocol in the same way it does with one serial port handling all the comms.
So I've found a few devices, but the vendors are not very familiar to me. A pricey source is Moxa, with some pretty small modules, for over $50 each. They are also hard to find. is Wiznet, which seems to have a very clumsy web site. The Wiz750SR seems to be what I would use. These are about twice the size and they give virtually no information I can find on how they might mount on your board. In fact, they seem to be saying this module is only for use on their EVB Board. They include lots of 2D images from a 3D view, but nothing with info on how to actually connect this to a motherboard. I guess you invert it and use sockets. The pins are all to the upside. The module's height will make it hard to mount in the 0.8 inches I was planning to allow for height.
These are about half the price of the Moxa devices and stocked at Digikey and Mouser. have experience with these devices? Any comments?