Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff
What is this component?
Hello Everyone,
I'm brand new to this forum and very new to the electronics world. I learned how to work with Arduino for this specific idea I've been wanting to develop. It involves using a laser to position something, and I knew that laser detectors for builder's laser levels already exist in essentially the same design as I'm trying to use. I purchased this cheap laser detector from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L6FP48S) so that I can reverse engineer the design. I understand how to test the outputs and inputs for the pins to figure out the 'pathways of logic,' but can anyone help me identify what this square laser sensing component is called or who the manufacturer might be? I'm trying to find out to order it for my project. I think I'm close with either a PSD (position sensitive detector) or a 1 dimensional photodiode array. But when I search these terms I'm sorting through a lot of different components that seem like I'm going the right direction but I can't tell the true function through the technical descriptions or specifications. I really just need a component that can sense a laser level and send a high, on, or low signal.
This looks like a solar cell, obviously with two dies to distinguish between lower and higher level.
I think it is using a solar cell to identify the power of the laser instead of using a proper laser detector. When a laser beam with more power than ambient light hits it, the solar cell detects the laser. You could probably replace that solar panel with a dedicated laser detector. Think of electronics like having many paths to reach the same goal.
Don't Laser Receivers use photodiodes?
The device is for levelling, not laser power measurement.
The laser source is modulated, so suppressing ambient light should be easy
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