Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

What would you do with a not working Keithley 2000?

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I have a not working Keithley 2000 with a pretty stable LM399 reference.

What would you do with it, I'd like to build some 10V reference with it, possibly by reusing some salvaged parts from the meter.

Any idea?

I don't know about you, but I'd try to fix it. ;D

How badly is it damaged?

I already tried to fix it but it always seem to develop new problems.

In meantime I managed to fix another K2000 and a K2001 I found on ebay for very few $, so I really don't need another meter (I cannot trust anymore).

Guess is better to use it for parts and build a good reference.

You can take it apart, and eventually send to me whatever I may need in a few days  ;D >:D

I am waiting for my "new" K2000 to arrive from Italy (ebay.it).
I hope I will manage to fix it, it is completely dead...

Sell it.


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