Electronics > Projects, Designs, and Technical Stuff

When a EE makes Christmas presents

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I was inspired earlier this month ... and I got to use of some of the copious amounts of kit I have laying around.  I think these presents turned out pretty well and I hope the various family members receiving them like them and don't just say "Oh, how nice...".

All of the PCBs were devices I already had but maybe hacked a little.  I wrote some firmware and did a lot of 3D enclosure designs and printing.  Other parts of the enclosures were repurposed items.

I used to do LED lighting control systems and re-purposed some of the various controllers and drivers into a set of color-wash ambient lighting systems.  The idea is to be able to "paint" a ceiling or corner or some part of a room with color or even slowly changing colors.

I have always loved the nixie tube aesthetic but don't currently have a stash of tubes so I repurposed some prototype devices into Faux Nixie Clocks that can permanently keep themselves correct using internet time services and sport a browser based interface (the idea is that these are set once and forget devices).

Finally I built up a bluetooth to POTS telephone adapter (a copy of a previous project)

Love the phone, especially the awful 70s colour. It's so kitschy that it's trendy!

Very nice "Nixie"  clock. I had to look at it twice, to see that its only a display.
Well done!

That faux nixie clock is cool. Have you got a blog article or something describing how it was made?

I made a few Xmas presents myself but they were not appreciated - one a NTP clock which ended up in a drawer and never used and a bench power supply for my nephew who is starting out with electronics. I understand it was just a fad and he doesn't bother with it now.


--- Quote from: adriansmith31 on January 25, 2025, 02:35:29 pm ---That faux nixie clock is cool. Have you got a blog article or something describing how it was made?

I made a few Xmas presents myself but they were not appreciated - one a NTP clock which ended up in a drawer and never used and a bench power supply for my nephew who is starting out with electronics. I understand it was just a fad and he doesn't bother with it now.

--- End quote ---

Thanks.  I did write it up: https://hackaday.io/project/192417-use-it-up/log/237384-faux-nixie-clock

I also ported it to my gCore and will put the source up on github when I have a free moment.  People could port it to the dev board of their choice.

I understand about our type of gifts not being appreciated.  This time I was lucky :-)  I made 8 gifts total and I think only one recipient wasn't happy to get one.  Maybe they'll regift it.


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