If you intend to use a relay for switching mains you need double break contacts as well, so that a contact that welds shut will still be opened. Thus you need a 4 pole contactor, 2NC and 2NO AC1 rated contacts, with a mains powered coil, and a single auxillary contact block ( 5A AC3 or 28VDC 1A) to drive the inverter power enable. This will typically have a 3-4 cycle delay between mains fail and the main contacts opening, and another 3-4 cycles before the NC set close on power loss.Typically they use 3-10W of power to drive the coil, and will handle 16A max current, though higher current units are available with longer release times. You will also need a VDR across the mains coil and on input and outputs to reduce arcing of the contacts on operation. Common electrical industrial units, but get pricey as power goes up.