Author Topic: DIY reflow oven help - axial temperature distribution electric heating tube  (Read 443 times)

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Apologies if this is not the correct forum to post this. I tried posting this question in engineering stack exchange, but did not get a reply.

Is the axial temperature distribution uniform for a simple and cheap electric heating element such as

I understand that the current that is passed is same along the tube but not sure if the temperature would be uniform.

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I don't know what that link is - but if you are referring to a heating element from a toaster oven, I don't see why the heating wouldn't be uniform.

current passes through and is the same current along the wire.  The current and resistance causes the wire to get hot.

The result might not be even heating though, due to how the energy radiates out and bounces around.  There are numerous, countless examples of diy reflow ovens on the internet.

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