Hi all,
First to clarify: this has nothing to do with the FTDI driver fiasco, the chips weren't bricked.
I normally use 2 USB/Serial chips to communicate with (mostly) PIC projects: FT232R and CP210x. Usually I'll see if I have a FT232R available and use that one, otherwise I'll use a CP210x. I've never noticed any difference in behavior, except for the drivers appearing differently. I never needed to move data over UART at higher baud rates (over ~57600), but now I do and suddenly there's a huge difference: the FTDI chip doesn't seem to "allow" anything higher than 57600.
But that's not the really weird part: when I set a device to a higher baud rate, the device WORKS -- it just works much more slowly... So if I set the baud to 460800 (on both the PIC and the software on the PC) and use the CP210x part, I get the transfer speeds I expect, but if I replace it with an FT232R, it moves data around about 4 times slower.
I think I removed all other variables: I used 2 different FTDI chips and several different CP210x chips. I also replicated the circuit on a breadboard with the same components, and the same code on the PIC. Everything else behaves the same, except that the FTDI chip is slower.
I'm really at a loss, I don't know what else to check. I googled FTDI baud rate problems, but whenever a baud rate problem shows up the FTDI chip blocks the communication, it doesn't *slow it down*... The only thing I can think of is that both of my FTDI chips are from SparkFun, specifically a retired product:
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/718 ... But it was retired because people wanted a 3.3v/5v switch, not because it didn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.