Thanks to everyone for your encouraging comments. Its always nice to have your work appreciated.
So, what I don't understand (I'm missing something) is why go to the length of all that amazing wiring, and use header pins as an interface rather then some beefy switches? Would love to hear some of your design decisions.
I wanted to build a decade box that was versatile enough that people would actually want to use it. This is
two separate 8 decade units in one box and each decade is a string of 10 resistors with a socket connection at each junction. This allows multiple resistances to achieved simultaneously and paralleling of decades for higher wattage etc, etc. There will be videos of it in action and the Video below shows the general layout in the beginning before going to making the Kelvin jacks.
im contemplating mailing you a gallon of
good video though, hate the close ups of your hand injuries though
My hands are fine, they look worse than they are. That is all callous skin and the cracks don't go into live flesh. I use a dremel drum sander to grind the callouses off every so often.... I guess I should do that before shooting videos
These residual resistance value measurements are why I had to make Kevin banana jacks and .025" kelvin probes and sockets to measure the values. Video of the design and construction of them below.
Making Kelvin Banana Jacks and .025" Kelvin pins and sockets. It shows the Versa-Ohm in the beginning for a few minutes.