Electronics > Proteus
Proteus: How to create 45 degree rotated silkscreen text
I was wondering if it is possible in Proteus to have silkscreen text that is rotated by an arbitrary number, say 45 degrees.
I know it is possible to rotate a component( at which point the text of the component also rotates ) but I can't seem to find the option for text.
Anyone has any tips ?
You can.
It's not something I ever found documented, more of a mistake that I stumbled upon it to be honest.
Lay down your text, change to the pointer tool and select the text, then in the toolbar above select block rotate and type in your custom angle.
Bit of a odd way to do it but it works!
If you mean unattached text, just use the rotate icon on the TOP bar, not the right click one.
If you mean text that is PART of the component, nope
If you mean the Part# text that comes with the component, left click to highlight it ie J12, then hold right-click and toggle "+" key
Can you be more specific?
--- Quote from: Wilksey --- .... Bit of a odd way to do it but it works!
--- End quote ---
Unsure why you say odd, but anyway. If you right clikck on any object, you have immediate +/- 90 degree increments, which is MOST designs.
If you need finer controls, the Top bar icon will rotate just about anything, including highlighted blocks, which i what it is for, and always has been.
--- Quote from: Wilksey on April 24, 2016, 01:33:11 am ---Lay down your text, change to the pointer tool and select the text, then in the toolbar above select block rotate and type in your custom angle.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, it works! Surprised it was so easy.
--- Quote from: digsys on April 24, 2016, 01:34:19 am ---If you mean unattached text, just use the rotate icon on the TOP bar, not the right click one.
--- End quote ---
Yes, unattached text. Indeed the +- keys work for rotating everything, I was looking for custom angle increments.
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