wraper, thanks for testing it in your viewer and also confirming that a board that you already manufactured without any issues has the same problem with that particular viewer.
You are right, there is a voltage regulator (1117-3.3) in the circuit.
The board it isn't finished yet. I stopped it when I realized of the issue with the gerber file (fortunately just a false alarm). Anyway, the regulator works with less than 20% of it rated power, so it is fine without an additional disipation area.
The circuit is a lights smart switch, the big IC is an ESP32 module. I'm replacing the old ones installed in my house that I developed 5 years ago using PICs (16f1825) and nRF24 modules
The switches uses touch sensors, so that I'm using an ESP32 instead of ESP8266 in order to achive that functionality without using additional components.