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Is there another locale that uses this sort scheme? Or is there a reason to use this sort scheme where the user interacts with it?

I don't know if there's another locale that sorts similarly - my knowledge of locales doesn't extend much beyond that the "C" locale sorts strictly (or more or less) according to ASCII values and that other locales sort differently.  And that there are differences in how dates, numeric values, and monetary values are presented.  I'm sure there are a lot of other things too.

Sorting Latin letters case insensitively is a thing unique to languages that use Latin letters.  For example, ja_JP sorts upper case Latin letters before lower case.  ru_RU sorts lower case before upper case.  Instead of figuring out how to make speakers of all languages happy, it is sensible for the programmer to choose the C locale and spend time on more important things like making sure that the SCPI parser works right regardless of how many spaces follow a comma.  Trying to code case insensitive sorting for all languages leads to complicated problems like how to misassume whether an Englishman or Turk wrote Iiİı.

By the way, it is LC_COLLATE instead of LANG that determines how things are sorted.

You people have luxurious problems.  My oscilloscope does not suffer from this problem because it uses 8.3 filenames.  It does know to pad numbers with 0's though.
Test Equipment / Re: New Brymen BM2257 Multimeter
« Last post by Furna on Today at 04:00:40 pm »
I guess there is also a cut-off min voltage ... so it is not that you get the low battery and ignore it ... the meter will shutdown.
What is the cutoff voltage? I have no idea.
Beginners / Re: LM317: divider values and minimum load current
« Last post by pope on Today at 03:59:31 pm »
OK so if I understand well for (let's say) 30V output a 240R/5.5k would be better than 360R/8.28k but it will draw more current (i.e the 317 will get warmer).

Am I on the right track?  :D
Do you have any monochrome CRT's or Driver boards?
Test Equipment / Re: New Brymen BM2257 Multimeter
« Last post by xKertx on Today at 03:57:36 pm »
Well the nominal voltage of the Ni-Mh is 1,2V when there is about 60% charge left. So that 1,25v threshold means you get the low battery warning all the time and eventually ignore it and have to guess when the batteries need to be charged.
It's little dissapointing because other that that it's a nice dmm. I like to use ni-mh in my better meters to avoid leakeage problems.
They don't do anything in the US. Ian moved to the Netherlands about 15 years ago and then moved to China about 8 years ago. Manufacturing of Dangerous Prototypes, Dirty PCBs and related ventures has always been in China.

When you order there you get an invoice from Where Lab, LLC with a post address in Iowa/USA.
Test Equipment / Re: New Brymen BM2257 Multimeter
« Last post by Kleinstein on Today at 03:55:41 pm »
Showing low Bat at 1.25 V is a bit on the high side for NiMH or NiCd. That is arealy above the 1.2 V nominal voltage.

The problem is not the maximum voltage - that can be at some 1.6-1.7 V, similar to very new alkaline cells.
The point is that the meter could show low battery when NiMH is still 95% full.
Beginners / Re: LM317: divider values and minimum load current
« Last post by bdunham7 on Today at 03:54:44 pm »
So, R1 should be adjusted so as the Iadj is 100uA (max value per datasheet)?

No, not at all.  IADJ could be nearly zero, the 100µA is a maximum value and is a characteristic of the individual regulator and its environment (temperature, load, VIN - VOUT, etc).  You select R1 and R2 to set your desired output voltage and whatever IADJ happens to be at the moment will cause an error, a deviation from your selected output voltage.  The lower the values of the resistors in your divider chain, the higher the current through those resistors and that means that whatever IADJ is will cause less error.

You can deal with this by using low values for the divider (R1 = 120R, or even less if you like) or you can select your LM317s for low adjust current or you can adjust your divider ratio to tweak the result.  But what the value of IADJ actually is comes down to luck and circumstances.  The datasheets don't show any graphs or relationships for the adjust current, only typical and max values for the current and its deviation.
Test Equipment / Re: HP3548 / HP3457 OLED display
« Last post by Xyphro on Today at 03:53:01 pm »
I was also thinking if the main MCU CPU code would help - I mean the main MCU I can simply readout myself and I should somewhere even have the hp66xx rom dump which would be very easy to reveng...

However only a display ROM code would show really all commands and how they are handled exactly. The main MCU will show mainly what we can also observe in traces.
Beginners / Re: LM317: divider values and minimum load current
« Last post by TimFox on Today at 03:50:55 pm »
Iadj is a feature of the 317.
The effect of its value and variation on the regulated output voltage depends on the resistance of the voltage divider.
Smaller resistors in the divider will give more stable output, but waste power in the current through the divider.  This is an engineering choice.
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