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Wondering if there are any affordable US-based PCB manufacturers.

Addressing the original question - maybe you could try out DirtyPCBs they seem to be located in Iowa.

They don't do anything in the US. Ian moved to the Netherlands about 15 years ago and then moved to China about 8 years ago. Manufacturing of Dangerous Prototypes, Dirty PCBs and related ventures has always been in China.
Test Equipment / Re: HP3548 / HP3457 OLED display
« Last post by kawal on Today at 03:22:39 pm »
I'm trying to understand if there's anything new for 3478A in this new code, like displaying the annunciations at power up/reset, clearing shift after reset...

Not sure if this is your issue but make sure the brownout bits are programmed to 2.7V
I suspect there may be some confusion.  When I mentioned the GDTs used for transient protection, I am not attempting to use them for a noise source like the original post.  Rather they are used as part of a spark gap transmitter. 

The following thread shows some of my experiments starting in the few MHz.  The last posts you can see a microwave dipole attached to one of these GDTs.

In the 10+ GHz range I was playing at, I was commenting on how much of a signal I would see from an air gap vs the GDT. 
Repair / Re: 8 button IC replacement of Pasapair desiccator
« Last post by Tarien on Today at 03:15:06 pm »
AF pin is not connected anywhere. Im trying to simulate k8 button wich is power. K8 Low 1500us than d8 500us low as mentioned in documentation, ODC 500us. Also i make 8ms interval between the packets in photo is lower just to catch it more easly in logic soft.
Repair / Re: Fiat wants the radio code of my vehicle, I don't know
« Last post by coromonadalix on Today at 03:14:43 pm »
maybe something like that ?

yep tons of site requesting $
If you think they could be fake ICs, the question is, where did you purchase them from? I am assuming not Digikey, Mouser etc.
Microcontrollers / Re: How to Interface 108 Thermistors with Arduino
« Last post by pqass on Today at 03:13:52 pm »
I don't think anyone has mentioned it so far but input conditioning should be used to position the signal such that the entire ADC range is used.

For example, between -10°C to +50°C, the KTY81/110 returns 747R to 1209R and 1000R at 25°C if the sensor is provided with 1mA.  Assuming a 1000R bias resistor and 2Vref, then the mid-point of the divider only moves between 860mV and 1090mV or between 438 and 560 in (10 bit) ADC values without any range maximization.  Unfortunately, the ATmega328 only provides a 1.1Vref which is 0.55mA to the sensor thus the resistances in Table 7 of the PDF will be different.

Whether a diode (-2.2mV/°C) or diode-connected-transistor (-???mV/°C) is used instead, ADC range maximization should still be needed.
See "Using a 2n2222 as Temp. Sensor" here.  A summing amplifier is used to sum the raw signal with a counter voltage (via offset pot) to position the 0°C point and gain (via feed-back pot) to maximize the output range.  Although, you probably can remove the need for a negative offset adjustment voltage if you position 0°C to be up at a 1/6th of the Vref.

Also, the sensor may not be linear so you'll have to compensate via lookup table or more complex formula.
EEVblog Specific / Re: EEVblog Changes?
« Last post by Simmed on Today at 03:13:39 pm »
I don't do well with non-speaking videos, either silent or with just crappy music, even if preceded by completely non-relevant speaking video (the thousands of videos by Roel Van de Paar).  I usually just turn them off when I realize nobody's going to say anything.  Also shorts.  Is there a filter or script to block all shorts?

on firefox there is shorts blockers
The GUI doesn't need to allow setting a locale. The locale can be set to a fixed configuration when the OS image is build. From there it will always be the same. The Linux OS images I create have en_US.UTF-8 by default and will sort files alphabetically regardless of case.

Possibly. But English isn't the only language. If you hard code it to en_US.UTF-8, you might cause issues for other languages. I don't know, because it's not my product, I just say it looks like it's not implemented and when we are talking about a commercial product, that's a decision for them to take based on user input, R&D budget etc. User feedback can play a role to improve the product.
There is no hard coding. Just setting a more sensible default. It is difficult to tell what Siglent did but I have created multi-language products in the past and Linux has some pretty nifty ways to make it easy for software developers to add support for multiple languages. It doesn't take recompiling the software to change the texts; update the file with translations, restart the program and done.
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