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Test Equipment / Re: HP3548 / HP3457 OLED display
« Last post by Xyphro on Today at 02:59:37 pm »
Thanks for capturing a second time, Terra! I checked 2 files and they contain now all information.

Will check this evening how they behave and if I can extract a better understanding of some command codes.

Btw: I have a HP66xx supply too, but it needs some repair. An ADC is broken among some other issues.
Again, with loads passing 50amps total, 100 amps overclocked, why haven't they switched to 4awg to 2awg cables with lugs like you see in the attached picture?

These cables will not get hot and will have the overhead room for 100amp loads soon to come.  1 contact, no iffy connections...

Pro car audio have been using these connectors for their audio years without fail so long as the cables you used were correctly sized and crimped, and they go well beyond 200 amps.
Torque control. People would undertorque it leading to fires or restarts. Or overtorque it leading to RMAs.

Raising the voltage to 48V is not a big problem today "from technical point of view" as there are modern step down designs and parts available..
Perhaps the high voltage "safety" could be a question with 48V as usually 12V is considered safe even when messing in the computer case fully flooded with the cooling water..  ;D
When you look at the 12V 200A supplies for the server market, where almost all of that 12V is immediately converted to a lower voltage for use, the first thought is why 12V? It makes the plumbing is so thick, and inflexible. Why not 24V or 48V? 48V keeps things below any regulatory threshold for a dangerous voltage. The industry has taken a while to get get both the server and consumer markets to focus around supplies with a simple single voltage output, but it feels like they focussed on the wrong voltage.
As I understand, there is some process jumps going from 16V rated semiconductors to higher rated semiconductors. Same at 5.5V or 30V or so. Mosfet losses go up or something like that. In any case, with 48V input the SMD capacitors also drop their rating, ripple current goes up. There aren't many multiphase converters for those voltages. These GPUs use like 16 phases.
What you say makes sense on some level, but I think currently backwards compatibility is more important (for them). And someone calculated that copper is less expensive than semiconductors.
Possibly. But English isn't the only language. If you hard code it to en_US.UTF-8, you might cause issues for other languages. I don't know, because it's not my product, I just say it looks like it's not implemented and when we are talking about a commercial product, that's a decision for them to take based on user input, R&D budget etc. User feedback can play a role to improve the product.
You can set up the language in that scope, so that should not be an issue?
The GUI doesn't need to allow setting a locale. The locale can be set to a fixed configuration when the OS image is build. From there it will always be the same. The Linux OS images I create have en_US.UTF-8 by default and will sort files alphabetically regardless of case.

Possibly. But English isn't the only language. If you hard code it to en_US.UTF-8, you might cause issues for other languages. I don't know, because it's not my product, I just say it looks like it's not implemented and when we are talking about a commercial product, that's a decision for them to take based on user input, R&D budget etc. User feedback can play a role to improve the product.
EEVblog Specific / Re: EEVblog Changes?
« Last post by Peabody on Today at 02:48:58 pm »
I don't do well with non-speaking videos, either silent or with just crappy music, even if preceded by completely non-relevant speaking video (the thousands of videos by Roel Van de Paar).  I usually just turn them off when I realize nobody's going to say anything.  Also shorts.  Is there a filter or script to block all shorts?
Repair / Re: Refurbishing Tektronix 24x5B scope
« Last post by calibrationfixture on Today at 02:47:48 pm »
Hi Veketti,

" Opened the unit and found out that this doesn't seem to have the Dallas chip, so cannot change it to FRAM.. Is it so that only thing that can be done is solder backup battery for the time to replace new LTC-7P? Now I need to find new battery. Would EVE EF651625 work? "

Yes, this will work. Allready used 6 of these (same Source). The last in a 2455A.

Microcontrollers / Re: CH32V003 RTOS
« Last post by coppice on Today at 02:46:20 pm »
Thats weird..
The link I pasted contains two flavours of the scheduler right there on the page..
Its just code for a barebones task scheduler..
The page contains 2 example programs that use RIOS. I can't find any actual RIOS code. They include RIMS.h, and no other header files. The page that is supposed to be for RIMS doesn't seem to exist. There appears to be more than the presented simple framework for cooperative multi-tasking, as the example code calls TimerOn() and TimerSet(), which aren't there. Every cooperative multi-tasking framework I have used has been simple, but there is code which does some of the donkey work.

Looking further it seems you can download a Windows installer for RIMS from, which will give you the RIMS.h files, which is very elementary. The TimerOn and TimerSet  routines appear to be user supplied. There is a link which will take you to an AVR specific page, with versions of those routines for an AVR chip. So, what they are calling RIOS 1.2 is nothing more than the kind of outline of how you might implement simple cooperative multi-tasking in a number of text books. They appear to have received grants to produce this. Is that what counts for a funded project these days?
Repair / Re: Troubleshooting old korg synth psu
« Last post by tedsorvino on Today at 02:44:35 pm »
Thanks for the reply. The voltage is well under 50v on that part of the circuit. All capacitors are 50v.
 Is the wiper connected to the first pin of the pot? And the resistor goes in series with the third pin?
Doesn’t the lack of the led side affect the circuit function?
Beginners / Re: Special double relay needed
« Last post by NE666 on Today at 02:43:57 pm »
Personally, if I were doing it and wanted the logic complexity that your OP indicates, I'd use a Rapsbery PI with a suitable relay board, and program a basic state machine to drive it (in C, or Python). I'd leave out the 'hold off' timer aspect,  and instead just have it count the number of times the windscreen is washed since engine start - something like "wash lights on first activation, then only every two or three activations thereafter" (which is what my Volvo does).

If that doesn't sound like you, to you, then I'd suggest reducing the complexity of your requirements to the bare minimum that can be implemented with a single timer relay: Use a timer relay to control the length of the wash, and just accept that it will operate when the lights aren't on (if the screen is dirty enough to want washing, your lights will be too anyway, so why not?) and each time you wash your screen (if it's not clean yet, then probably neither are your lights). Not perfect but much, much easier and cheaper to implement.

Repair / Re: Fiat wants the radio code of my vehicle, I don't know
« Last post by darkspr1te on Today at 02:43:37 pm »
I was on mhhauto and theres a big thread there decoding these but formula is never mentioned.
i did collect some decode pins so will post them here, maybe someone can figure out the formula

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