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General Technical Chat / Re: When did you last etched a PCB?
« Last post by Selectech on Today at 02:22:57 am »
A long while ago, 1976.
yes, a standard multivibrator is open collector - it can only ever sink current, the only way to source it is through its pullup resistor. The circuit I posted can both source AND sink current, and so it can drive different sorts of loads, like a capacitive charge pump, for example
I think it might open a door to a storage area
Many years ago, the Popular Electronics magazine had a column labeled “DANDY”, discretes are not dead yet. Their all-discrete semiconductor circuits were quite ingenious.

But if we want to go further, let’s step back to vacuum tubes. The fact that engineers back then could design circuits for analog color TVs using only tubes, is beyond comprehension to me.
Microcontrollers / Re: WCH website is borked
« Last post by squadchannel on Today at 02:16:37 am »
yep, English pages is dead. 404. :=\
EEVblog Specific / Re: 2025 EEVblog Viewer Survey and GIVEAWAY
« Last post by EEVblog on Today at 02:16:04 am »
Winners: Mike, Baclofen, Bunnybugs

So far only 1 has responded to my email.
3D printing / Re: How does infill work around screw holes?
« Last post by sleemanj on Today at 02:13:20 am »
Depending on slicer there you can add a modifier object to set extra perimeters in that region, or the slicer may have an option for extra perimeters on holes.

If neither of those, a trick I have used is to surround the hole with a ring of some very small holes, smaller than your printer can resolve, this will force the slicer to try and print a load of perimeters in that area as it tries to print all those 0.1mm or whatever holes.
it looks like some sort of electrical component

That's an electronical component.
Its unlikely to be worth it unless you have large discounts on your account. Think about how much shipping volume they do.

In another thread its stated Fedex will charge less brokerage fees if you have an account with them to prepay duties. So you should still sign up. But this will be the case whether JLC uses their own account or yours to ship the item.
"I have an account just for this purpose. But it doesn't always get triggered to my account. The mailing address, name need to match exactly and I believe the shipper need to submit the info electronically in advance. When parcel does get triggered to my account, they will just deliver the parcel and charge you the actual tax+duties a month later."

In canada we can do self clearing, but it is a pain, usually not worth it, and maybe not setup in the US yet.

Thanks.  Up till now, for de minimis packages (no tariffs on <$800) they auto cleared and no brokerage/service fee for fedex, ups and DHL.  I suppose the shippers will use this mess as a way to dig a little more revenue out of us.
Doubt they are affordable new and I haven't tested this exact functionality, but if you considered used equipment, look at Yokogawa's scopecorder series.  They come out of their paper chart recorder lineage so likely support roll mode in a very flexible way, and know at least that they do support individual trace zoom modes.
That is another option. My (older) Yokogawa DL708 supports zoom in roll mode so I'd guess newer models do as well.
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