Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
After PV system installation, power consumption went drastically UP
My parents-in-law had a PV system with battery installed in September.
Before the PV system was installed, they had a power consumption of about 1500kWh to 2000kWh per year.
Afterwards they had a consumption of almost 800kWh in October alone. They are now already up to almost 2MWh since the installation.
And that's not just what the inverter is showing, they also got a horrendous bill from the power company.
I'm an EE engineer but my world is PCBs and high speed digital.
My mind struggles to understand how the system can appear to work properly and still cause this sudden increase in power consumption.
Any idea what could cause this?
Thank you very much in advance!
My guess is something has been reversed in measuring one of the current flows. Maybe a CT is clamped on a cable in a reversed manner, or two terminals have been swapped somewhere.
There is zero export! Likely a problem in the metering
As far as I know the system is not allowed to export power to the net. That's why.
--- Quote from: nctnico on November 30, 2024, 09:43:39 pm ---There is zero export! Likely a problem in the metering
--- End quote ---
Why would they want to export anything, unless they have a massive surplus? There are batteries in the mix.
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