Has anyone used this converter:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/141723797418I purchased two solar panels that put out 21V @ 270ma. I am going to wire them in parallel and feed them to the input of the converter. The converter output will be set to 13.8V and connected to the battery in my truck. The truck is only driven about once per month and the battery is usually dead when I go to start it. Ten minutes on my 10 amp charger and I can then start it. The reason the battery drains is because of the constant current draw of the alarm system.
I have found that the converter will not start working if you slowly power it up. I confirmed this with a variable power supply. So when the sun rises in the morning, the converter doesn't start. However, if I disconnect the solar panels and reconnect them, the converter starts and puts out the 13.8 volts.
I have come up with a solution that seems to work on the bench with the variable power supply. I have a 6.8 volt zener diode in series with a 10K ohm resistor connected to the power supply output. The 10K resistor drives the base of a 2N3904 transistor. The transistor collector switches a relay which applies the power supply voltage to the converter. When the variable supply exceeds roughly 7 volts, the zener breaks over and drives the transistor base causing the relay to operate. The converter starts and puts out the required 13.8 volts.
I haven't put this circuit on a bread board yet and connected it to the solar cells. I will do that sometime tomorrow. If this circuit doesn't work with the solar panels, I will try using a PIC and read the panel voltage with one of the A/D pins. When it gets above 6 volts I will turn the relay on to apply the panel output to the converter. A few lines of code will be all it takes.
I was just curious if someone had used this converter. Or is there a better solution that I can use?