Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Cheap VRLA battery leak risk / replacement

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Need to replace a duff 2.9Ah 12V VRLA battery in my alarm. The original powersonic part is completely unobtainable in the UK due to shipping restrictions (typical!) therefore I'm thinking of sticking in a no brand RS Pro one in the unit which is same dimensions and capacity. Both are AGM subtype batteries.

Is anyone aware of any leak risks with these running on their side?

I am basically worried now I cracked it open for the first time as the idiots who designed the alarm put the battery at the top, cable tied to the top of the unit on its side so if it does leak it'll piss acid all over the board, ruin it and cost me a new alarm. There isn't enough room to mount another one upright in it.

I don't think I've ever seen one leak. Read the datasheet but most are specifically made to be used in any position.

I'm using those types already for a while and never had any issues; I consider them much safer in handling than any liquid acid type

Replace it with a 3S lithium pack with a balancing BMS along with a Schottky diode and 12V LDO to limit charge voltage to 4V/cell with minimal interference to the battery powering the circuit?

I would not recommend messing with lithium ion unless you know what you're doing. They have excellent energy density but they are much more fickle than lead acid and they are prone to catching fire if abused.

Now there are protection boards and charging ICs now that make working with them much easier than it used to be but it's still not something I'd recommend to the novice.


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