Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Correct location of fuse(s) in parallel solar panel connection

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I have four 150 watt Solar panels which I am planning to connect in parallel to increase the current output. The spec of the panels are:
Nominal Maximum Power (Pm)            150Watts/12V
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)                  22.50V
Short Circuit Current (Isc)                   8.81A
Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp)       17.96V
Current at Maximum Power (Imp)        8.36A
Maximum System Voltage                   1000V
Link: https://www.microtekdirect.com/product/microtek-pv-module-150w/

I am just a bit confused where the location of fuse should be.

Of all the panels, should I wire all the positives and negatives respectively first, and then just drop a single fuse (may be of 35A/40A) in between the charge controller and this parallel panel connection. Or should I first drop a fuse for each panel first before making a parallel connection and then connecting it to the charge controller?, thus requiring one fuse per panel.

I also wanted to know what should be the amp rating of the fuse in each of the case mentioned above?

PV equipment generally (panels, cables & connectors) are not designed to support more than two panels in parallel.
Perhaps you could use a series/parrallel connection ?

"PV equipment generally (panels, cables & connectors) are not designed to support more than two panels in parallel.", What? Why? Are u kidding me?

The cables and connector current rating is one reason, another is the reverse current rating of panels should they become shaded and several others. The vast bulk of panels are installed as series strings and that is the connection method assumed by the standard equipment, if you want to do something completely different it is up to you to make allowances.
I would suggest for example the use of Schottky diodes in series with each panel to limit fault currents and the use of higher rated cables and connectors as apropriate.

What happens if I don't install a blocking diode for each panel provided:
1.) Each panel had a bypass diode installed
2.) All the panels are in sun with no shading


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