Business as usual (burning fuel for energy?) seems to be causing lots air pollution (which makes people sick, and causes some to die before they otherwise would): map, in terms of cigarettes per day, is easier to understand than ?g / m
There is a case to argue that coal, oil and gas fired generation kill more people
per unit of electricity produced than nuclear: battery technology is better than what we had 30 years ago, it still sucks if you want to say store enough energy from PV panels during the day to keep a city running at night... (we are lucky here in NZ, something like 80% of our electricity is already produced from renewables because we are blessed with hydro & geothermal power).
Costs of construction - rather than each reactor being a custom build, "standardise" on a handful of designs and build as much as you can on a production line in a factory (eg think airliners A380, B777, etc with massive NRE and certification costs, but these costs are spread over large volume of identical product produced).
Centralisation - the laws of physics do not require reactors to be > 1000 MWe capacity. Production line construction may make smaller reactors cost effective.
In the case of New Zealand, our nuclear free legislation does not ban land-based civil nuclear reactors (nuclear weapons and nuclear propelled ships/aircraft are illegal), however, our national grid is small, and probably could not handle the step change of a 1000 MWe unit tripping off-line (200 to 300 MWe units are probably a more suitable size for us, should we want to do away with our gas and oil fired thermal plant).
re: 3roomlab's chart of radioactivity over time - it is a log/log graph and it shows total radiation, but does not distinguish alpha/beta/gamma. (alpha is easiest to shield, but causes the most damage if it gets into your body).
Starting at the top, Cs137 & Sr90 are fission products, then the Americium and Plutonium are what you call transuranic elements. If you re-process your spent reactor fuel (yes, I know it is not politically correct, because that is how you get Pu239) you can send the transuranic elements back to the reactor for another fuel cycle. The fission products can be vitrified (mixed with molten glass) and buried as high level waste. According to 3roomlab's chart, after less than 1000 years, the activity of the separated fission products will have fallen practically to that of its Tc99 content: ten times less activity than Tc99 you have U238, which is an alpha emitter (so most of the alpha particles can't escape from a solid source), and many years ago at University of Canterbury, I got to handle kg-size metallic U238 (at the time, the density of it was amazing to me).
Fukushima was old technology (Mk. 1 BWR?), in a bad location, which arguably combined with some bad culture (something like "I shouldn't push for catalytic hydrogen scrubbers to be installed because it will make me look bad for signing off that the reactor was safe last year when said scrubbers were not available")