Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

Green railways?

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So I just stumbled across this Italian company's website claiming that they could make railway sleepers out of recyclable materials (not unrealistic) and integrate solar panels (solar roadways anyone?) OR piezo transducers to generate energy from trains passing by.


This should be interesting to bust   :)

It's one of those badly designed sites that loads multiple megabytes to display a few words of text. no thanks.
Solar roadways? I don't think there are too many trucks driving over the tops of railcars, are there?
But it is not cost effective to place PVs on vehicles due to poor solar tracking.

What is not green and recyclable about modern rail sleepers, they are only steel and concrete, both recyclable a near infinite number of times. The solar rail cover has already been done in Belgium, and seems to be working.


--- Quote ---railway sleepers out of recyclable materials
--- End quote ---

I see the page and the  recyclable materials are ELT(old tires) + plastic , the unique inconvenient is that the plastics at countries very sunny,the plastics if it isn't good it's desintegrated with the sun.

The idea from  put solar panels to railway sleepers, for me it is a bad idea. Because ,the cost maintance  task will grow, the companies will  have to travel for all railroad inspect the panels and cleaning from the grease,oil,grass,dust,etc.

Beside for the people the bad living ,a solar panel is a gift. These is as to give up a candy on school front .


--- Quote from: SeanB on April 27, 2016, 06:06:54 pm ---What is not green and recyclable about modern rail sleepers, they are only steel and concrete, both recyclable a near infinite number of times. The solar rail cover has already been done in Belgium, and seems to be working.

--- End quote ---

Actually not - a lot of lines still use wooden sleepers or in combination with concrete ones. They actually have some advantages over concrete/steel. On the other hand, it is very hard to consider them "green" by any measure despite being made from wood because they are commonly impregnated with some very toxic stuff (think something akin to heavy mineral oil) and are considered to be dangerous waste.


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