Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's
How to hire a power designer?
Where can one find a listing of reputable, experienced, professional power electronics designers, specializing in converter design in the 5 amp, 5 volt range?
--- Quote from: johnywhy on September 17, 2024, 05:15:31 pm ---Where can one find a listing of reputable, experienced, professional power electronics designers, specializing in converter design in the 5 amp, 5 volt range?
--- End quote ---
There is a jobs section in this forum ;D But you have to be more specific where it comes to the requirements.
5V 5A? It's commodity item already made by numerous power supply companies in Taiwan and china.
Nobody here would embark on making one. Reinventing the wheel? Work out how many you'd need to sell to pay that wage.
Consider expert Treez/Faringdon for design of something like that, he can make it cheaper than anyone in the world.
If you need a local converter on a board you are designing, the output specs are quite in the relm of monolithic converter with datasheet/cookbook solution. So any designer willing to put some effort into reading should be able to make something functional for you. Meeting EMC, good layout, etc. may be a different story.
If you are looking for an off line solution, then I agree with the posters above. This is something you buy, unless there are very special requirements you have not shared.
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