Electronics > Power/Renewable Energy/EV's

ICE2HS01G LLC controller datasheet interpretation


We are doing a 2kW HB LLC with ICE2HS01G controller.
VMC pin:
Why, on page 9 of the datasheet, does the VMC pin  comparator "look" at the "CS" pin?.....the CS pin goes from zero volts to peak, every cycle, so how can a comparator be looking at that to see what average level it is at?
(The VMC pin decides when the load is light enough that it should go into burst mode)

ICE2HS01G datasheet

Synch Rect:
If not using Synch Rects, then can DELAY, SRD and VRES pins be left unconnected?

CL pin
Does this represent the peak of the Current Sense (CS) pin?


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